Strategies That Help Healthcare Workers
Let’s examine strategies that offer hope to you, our frontline heroes.
On The Job Strategies:
1. Communicate with your coworkers and supervisors about job-related stress. While pretending all is well may appear to be a wise career move, it is not. Not only will you risk harming yourself physically or emotionally, the chances of a devastating bout of burnout ramp up dramatically. Be honest about your stress level, and how it is impacting your well-being and that of those you care for.
2. Identify factors causing stress and work towards a solution. Bottling up feelings of stress or unhappiness thwarts the opportunity to improve a stressful situation. But an open discussion can launch a journey that identifies the kind of changes and adjustments that can lessen stress and increase job satisfaction.
3. Take breaks. Rather than succumb to the urge to work through lunch or skip a scheduled afternoon break, force yourself to step away even if only for fifteen minutes. And that vacation time that’s been calling your name? Answer with a firm YES. Do not let guilt rob you of the calming, healing effects of getting away. Of course, your team needs you; the patients need you; everyone needs you. But you cannot perform your duties well if stress has a strangle-hold on your life.
4. Talk it out. While some folks shy away from the idea of therapy, talking it out with a mental health professional can prove to be extremely beneficial. Even unloading to a friend can be immensely helpful. Simply putting our feelings into spoken words and receiving confirmation that those emotions are indeed valid can lighten the weight of ongoing stressful situations.
Many organizations offer access to mental health resources for their employees. By all means, seek it out and take advantage of every service or perk your organization offers.
Off The Job Strategies:
1. Make your health a priority. Stress often takes jabs at our sense of control, making us feel trapped. Counter that feeling by choosing to make decisions that prioritize you and your health, with a consistent daily routine that creates work/life balance:
-Plans for adequate sleep
-Take time to plan, prep and eat healthy meals
-Work time for exercise into your schedule
2. Get outside. Spend time outdoors often, every day, if possible, either engaging in physical activity, or just relaxing.
3. Take time for fun. Do something you enjoy every day. On workdays, squeeze in time to read a bit or watch a favorite TV show. On days off, go shopping, have lunch with a friend, stroll through the park, and “people watch.” Choose something that positively breaks your routine.
4. Put a cap on the news. Be realistic about how watching, reading, or listening to the news, as well as social media, impacts you. A steady diet of the world’s woes can ladle on additional stress.
As a healthcare professional, you care for others and deal with stressful situations daily. We appreciate your dedication, and we thank you for all that you do for others.